Fri, Apr 18 2025

MEG Presents: A Night Out,

Houston Funplex, Houston, Texas, United States Houston Funplex, Houston, Texas, United States
One Sponsor Confirmed

  • About the event

    Escaping the pressure to appease individuals daily helped me discover the world of literature, music, and amusement parks. Ever since I could remember growing up in Brooklyn, NY I’ve always been a fan of page-turning stories, thought-provoking music, and thrilling attractions that stunned people. They still to this day captivate me.

    My name is Derrick Whitsett and I’m a part of the NAACP Young Adult Committee in Houston, TX. We’re hosting our first-ever Night Out event in 2025! This event will help increase music therapy in an amusement park setting for people of color and raise awareness of our mission.

    I’m proud to announce that the curated event will be held on April 18th, 2025, at Houston Funplex. An Indoor Amusement Park located @ 13700 Beechnut Street Houston, TX 77083. I’ve put together the details about Sponsorship and its tiers. We anticipate just our event alone to bring in over 300-plus attendees, not including many that are a part of the general public.

    I hope this event will take place yearly to support local companies that provide valuable products and services. That way we can create something that truly has a purpose for good change in the community.


    I’m beyond excited for you to take this journey with us!

    Why should you sponsor?

    To educate participants about Music Therapy, encourage participants to explore people of color endeavors, Make participants aware of mentorship programs with the NAACP Young Adult Committee, and Stimulate social opportunities throughout both organizations


    Myōōzik Entertainment Group was founded and created by Derrick Whitsett.

    An introverted child, he expressed himself through writing stories that resonated with himself to escape the thoughts of others. He published his first children’s book, Aarav’s Note in 2020 followed by his debut Novel, Seropositive in 2022. Understanding the logistics involved in marketing his books, the written Media company was born. Myōōzik Entertainment Group is a conglomerate of thought-provoking music, page-turning stories, and show-stopping attractions for the people.

    In addition to being a realtor, Derrick Whitsett identifies as Black and a member of the LGBTQ+ community from Brooklyn, New York. While completing his undergrad he created several collections of short stories and poems. A recipient of the Lou Rivers Drama Award for the musical, 'Love Scenario', he has written various pieces about his perspective on the Black experience. He is the author of Aarav's Note and Seropositive.

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  • 251-500 attendees expected

    39% Male Attendees

    61% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

3 available packages from US$250 to US$650

Gold Package

A Night Out - The Gold package includes Everything from the lower tiers and a tabled section with beverages, Tickets for entry (3), and access to Event Space to set up with one 6x6 Table and two chairs.

2 available

Silver Package

A Night Out - Silver Package Social Media Recognition, access to Event Space to set up with one 6x6 Table and two chairs, Certificate of Recognition, Print ads on the banner.

2 available

Bronze Package

A Night Out - Bronze Social Media Recognition and access to Event Space to set up with one 6x6 Table and two chairs.

2 available

Confirmed Sponsors

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